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Chicago Comic Con Recap

Wow! I'm not even sure where to begin on Wizard World Chicago. It's hard to believe that this time one week ago, we were on the road, making the long drive to Chicago. Graphics Girl and I had so much fun! This was her first convention, and my second. I'm hoping that it's just the beginning of what will become a big thing for us. We spent the weekend helping out the guys from Comic Book Displays and I got to have my photo taken with a bunch of really sweet people.

Blatant Geekery Girls
Working the convention is VERY different than just attending. I know, that should be obvious, right? I was a bit bummed that we didn't get to go to all the panels and have major time to walk around and check out all the vendors and celebs, but we still had a blast with the guys in the booth.

We were right across from all the guys from the Chicago Medieval Times. They were seriously cool people. We had photo ops with John Barrowman and Eddie McClintock; both incredibly sweet men who love their fans. I had photos taken with one guy dressed as Wolverine, a guy dressed as Spider-Man who lifted me in the air and told me not to fart on him, (awkward) a little boy dressed as Finn from Adventure Time, Hit Girl, Dexter, a pirate, and a bunch of other really nice people. There was quality hang out time with some really awesome artists and illustrators. Our new loves are the guys from Aw Yeah Comics, and Josh Blaylock and Matt Merhoff of Devil's Due Publishing (Mercy Sparx). There will be an exciting announcement having to do with Josh and Mercy Sparx pretty soon. I'm super pumped about it!
A Spidey print from Aw Yeah Comics
We had a great time at the after party with the boys from Lantern Light Lounge. We may do a bit of work together when we finally get our podcast up and running. They're great fun. Graphics Girl and I got some photos on the red carpet and did a bit of dancing. We saw Norman Reedus there, surrounded by a bunch of women, of course. Michael Rosenbaum and I talked about meeting up there, but apparently I just missed him. Admittedly, I was a bit bummed about that.

Sunday was rough. After two really long days at the booth being on our feet all day, and then an evening out, I don't think anyone was quite ready for what Sunday would bring. It was the only day without some Starbucks in the morning, so I was dragging a bit more than usual. Graphics Girl worked at the Super Hero Stuff booth that day and I was able to sneak away to visit. They had everything a geek girl could want...and I wanted all of it. She told me to head over to Eddie McClintock's booth since there weren't many people. I took her advice and visited. He saw me, thanked me for the 8x10 that GG had dropped off the night before, and gave me a big hug. We chatted a bit and I told him to let us know when he was back in Ohio. I decided to make a pit stop at Michael Rosenbaum's booth on the way back. When he saw me, he said, "I was there last night!" Sadly, we had missed each other by about 10 minutes, but we had a nice chat at that time instead. We took some more photos, and then I headed over to see James Marsters. There may or may not have been some smooching action there.  That's all I'm going to say about that. ;) On the way out Greg Horn gave us some awesome, autographed prints.

We left about a half an hour before everything closed up, and with the drive home we made it back around 2am. Ever since we've been back, GG and I have been doing research and working on new costumes and revamping some old ones. I think it's about time we quit our jobs and started doing this full time.  Geek girls can dream, right? :)



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