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Wouldn't You Think I'm The Girl, The Girl Who Has Everything

I was fortunate enough to grow up during the "Disney Renaissance". During this period we saw films like Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King. BUT my very favorite of all the movies that came out during this time was The Little Mermaid. I received the movie for my sixth birthday and that was one of my favorite presents. Some of my fondest memories include reenacting scenes from the movie with my friends. I still know every word to every song, and on occasion, like to see if I can get my hair to look like this in the bathtub. --->
Don't judge me. She had fabulous hair. Seriously...what what woman has not wanted that sexy, red hair? LOVE.

Today, you can find The Little Mermaid Diamond Edition at your local store. I'm not sure why they chose to release it now instead of next year, which would have marked the 25th anniversary, but you won't catch me complaining. I'm more than happy to have this available on Blu-Ray. I hear that the digital enhancements make the movie visually stunning. Aside from the usual bonus features, here are the big things that people are talking about.

  • Under the Scene- The Art of Live Action Reference- You get to see live actors acting out scenes from the movie. Being a theatre girl, I'm pumped for this portion of the bonus features.
  • Howard's Lecture- One of the lyricists for the film, Howard Ashman, held a lecture for animators and talks about modern musicals.
  • Part of Her World: Jodi Benson's Voyage to New Fantasyland- The voice of Ariel takes her kids (now teenagers) to the New Fantasyland at Disney World and talks about how the role changed her life.
  • Crab-E-Oke Sing Along- Karaoke versions of all of your favorite Little Mermaid songs.
There's even a section about a character that was cut from the movie, Herman the Merman. This movie is definitely on my list of must-haves. Go find The Little Mermaid online or in your local store!


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