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It's Throwback Thursday Time!

This week for Throwback Thursday, I'm taking you to camp...Space Camp.

I grew up watching this movie and I love rewatching it every once in a while just to reminisce.  Since I only ever went to church camp, it's kind of fun to see a bunch of nerdy kids getting to go to camp together. The movie never really got great reviews. In fact, they usually stayed around the area of about 40-50% approval. I think part of that had to do with the Challenger space shuttle catastrophe of 1986. Unfortunately, the tragedy didn't end as well as the movie. The release date was pushed back several months due to that, but even when released, the public didn't respond well to the reminder of the events. All things considered, I think it's still a great geek movie. Lea Thompson, Kelly Preston, Joaquin Phoenix (then known as Leaf) Kate Capshaw, Tom Skerrit, Tate Donovan and Larry B. Scott are the lead characters in this movie.

Andie, a NASA astronaut who has never actually been in space, has been sucked into training teens at space Camp by her husband, who is flight controller. There, she has the job of taking a very diverse group of kids and teaching them the ins and outs of being an astronaut. While the group is sitting in the shuttle and testing the main engines, Max's robot companion, Jinx, causes thermal curtain failure and mission control is forced to turn on the other booster to keep the rocket from exploding, but forcing the shuttle into space. Being that the shuttle isn't launch ready and that only one person aboard the shuttle is an actual astronaut, they face an abundance of challenges, the first of which being that there is not enough air for the group to reach the landing window. Needless to say, there are several close calls while they all try to get home, but the unlikely group bands together and each uses his or her own talents to contribute to a successful landing.

This movie does always leave me with a couple of questions. 1. How on Earth (no pun intended) did they survive even just to get into orbit? I mean, they hadn't even pressurized the cabin or anything, right? 2. Why do the good girls always fall for the bad boys...even when they KNOW they're bad for them? 3. Why wasn't there some sort of epic, slow motion sequence at the end where all the kids walked away from the shuttle? It made for an anticlimactic ending after all of the suspense.

Best Space Camp moments:

  • Tish's floating earring
  • Jinx's face after being told he was being treated to a can of oil
  • Tish freaking out that they're dead after re-entry
  • Bawling woman in mission control

What are YOUR favorite Space Camp memories?



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