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Showing posts from August, 2013

We made it to Friday!

We made it! It's Friday! You know what that means: It's time for another Fangirl Favorite. This week I thought it would be cool to talk about some new friends that we met in Chicago. We met so many great people that it's difficult to just choose one or two, but we've seen these guys in various articles in Huffington Post and Nerdist News lately, so it seemed appropriate to continue the praise for them. I'm talking about the extremely talented and super sweet guys over at Aw Yeah Comics . Aw Yeah was founded by Franco Aureliani, Art Baltazar, and Marc Hammond. If you're in the Chicago area, you really need to go and visit their store in downtown Skokie. They have a family friendly environment that helps bring all kinds of people into the world of comics. The guys host all kinds of nifty events like tomorrow's Dark Horse Day and an Aw Yeah Lounge Party (which I totally wish I could attend), and Chat and Chew on Sundays...I mean, this is no ordinary comic b

Throwback Thursday Time!

It's still Thursday, isn't it? Gotta get this to you geeks! Growing up, I feel like we had quite a lot of "favorite" shows. Maybe that was because there  were so many shows back then that only lasted a season. But they were so great, right?!   Today's throwback Thursday is one of those shows. Automan was only 12 episodes long and was a bit like a TV version of Tron. The basic premise of the show is....this computer programmer(also a Police Officer played by Desi Arnaz Jr.) creates a hologram that fights crime with him. I love that when he has to really interact with humans, Automan goes by "Otto Mann" and covers his blue glowing body/costume with a shirt and sport coat. I love that no one seems to notice the blue glow under his collar and cuffs! Kinda like Superman looking nothing like Clark Kent. Automan's "sidekick" is Cursor (basically a blinking computer cursor) and he can draw anything that might be needed in their crime fighting a

The World's End Review

Graphics Girl and I went to the movies a few days ago. I was feeling awful physically, so she decided that we needed a comedy and I didn't protest since it was written by Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg. The gang's back together in The World's End. Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Martin Freeman, Paddy Considine, and Eddie Marsan are five guys who, with the encouragement of their once fearless leader, Gary King, (Pegg) have decided to go back to their hometown and do the pub crawl that they had tried back in 1990. Gary hasn't grown up at all over the years, but when things get hairy and the boys have a run in with some robots, they decide to follow his lead anyway and attempt to finish the crawl which culminates at The World's End. This movie is brilliantly done. The story plays like a comedy, but has elements of action, sci-fi, and thriller films. Once you start to realize how much your stomach hurts from laughter, they throw in a touching moment or a well choreographed fi

It's Fangirl Friday!!

Happy Friday, geeks! I'm heading to Denver tomorrow and will probably be doing some last minute packing in the morning. That is what brings me to this week's Fangirl Favorite. Right now I'm really loving the R2-D2 suitcase from Salvador Bachiller . Ok, it's not REALLY R2. It's actually called the AZ-2028 Robot Trolley 60, but I think we're all pretty certain what he had in mind when creating the little 'bot. The suitcase was going for about $100, but it appears as though George Lucas' people jumped on this one and may have pulled the plug on production, since it wasn't a licensed product. I can't seem to find him on the website anymore, which is really disappointing, because this would have been perfect for transporting upcoming cosplay projects. While this suitcase will not automatically follow behind you and make super cute "beep boop" noises, there are still some pretty cool things about it. It's a rigid case, which means y

It's Throwback Thursday!

Today's throwback is FLASH GORDON! Not the comic book or the TV series...the movie from 1980! This movie is a favorite of my youth(no matter how much the reviewers hated it). Let me give you a quick synopsis. An evil alien  Emperor(Ming) is bent on destroying Earth....A hot quarterback(Flash) and a reporter(Dale) find themselves on Ming's planet and have to save Earth. The End. Well, really that is it, in a nutshell. But, I suppose I have to give you something else to go on...through a series of unfortunate events, Flash and Dale crash land on Mongo (Ming's planet) and get captured. Ming decides he wants Dale, Flash doesn't like it....and the first big "fight" scene begins. He loses, is sent to be executed, and instead gets saved by Ming's daughter Aura, who thinks he's pretty fine. She takes him to her boyfriend, Barin(Timothy Dalton), and asks that he keep him safe. Seriously? How is that a good plan? Somehow, they all find themselves in Sk

What are you watching?

While we're all in breathless anticipation waiting for the next episode of Doctor Who, there are actually (and surprisingly) several really cool shows that are on right now that can help us to deal with the anguish.   Tuesday night on SyFy, we have Face Off and Heroes of Cosplay.  As a relatively new cosplayer, these shows are awesome tools and give great ideas for new ways to approach things.  Graphics Girl and I have gotten some new and wonderful ideas about casting molds for things.  I'm super excited.  The only thing I'm not digging about the shows is the amount of drama...especially on Heroes of Cosplay.  I'm looking for more costume and make up assembly, not for the drama.  Wednesday night has Broadchurch on BBC America.  I'm LOVING this series so far.  One can't help but love David Tennant, AND they have Arthur Darvill, so that certainly doesn't hurt things.  I love crime dramas, and this one doesn't just resolve at the end of the episode,

Friday Fangirl Favorite

It's Friday already? But, there's still time to give you a Fangirl Favorite! At Comic Con I got the chance to volunteer at an awesome store, SuperheroStuff. Great people, and they had so much stuff in their booth it was impossible to decide what to bring home. The good news is, they are an online store, which means I can shop anytime! Well, I guess that's kind of bad news too. They had these great ladies v-necks in tons of styles. Songbird got two! I'll be putting this Superman v-neck in my cart and waiting to see if there's anything else I can't live without (and you know there is). You want to see what YOU can't live without? Click here. And I love this store so much, we will be looking to get an affiliate link in our page. Happy shopping geeks! ~Graphics Girl

Chicago Comic Con Recap

Wow! I'm not even sure where to begin on Wizard World Chicago. It's hard to believe that this time one week ago, we were on the road, making the long drive to Chicago. Graphics Girl and I had so much fun! This was her first convention, and my second. I'm hoping that it's just the beginning of what will become a big thing for us. We spent the weekend helping out the guys from Comic Book Displays and I got to have my photo taken with a bunch of really sweet people. Blatant Geekery Girls Working the convention is VERY different than just attending. I know, that should be obvious, right? I was a bit bummed that we didn't get to go to all the panels and have major time to walk around and check out all the vendors and celebs, but we still had a blast with the guys in the booth. We were right across from all the guys from the Chicago Medieval Times. They were seriously cool people. We had photo ops with John Barrowman and Eddie McClintock; both incredibly sweet me

Chicago Comic Con

Please forgive the lack of posts lately...we're at Chicago Comic Con! We're meeting amazing comic book artists and great geeky people, so we'll have lots to post soon!

Grammar Slam and Boondock Saints

Graphics Girl and I got together tonight and watched Boondock Saints to get into the mood for Chicago Comic Con.  (Speaking of which, what is this I'm hearing about a third movie?) Sadly, neither of us got an email from their contest contacts that we'll be meeting Norman Reedus. Womp Womp. Hopefully we'll still see him in passing while we're there. I have found something that hits on multiple aspects of my geekism, and is highly entertaining. CM Punk has a new...I guess it's a web series, called Grammar Slam. Who knew CM Punk was so intelligent  I certainly did not. Watching this web series is much like watching a violent and profane episode of Schoolhouse Rock. Oh, Busy Prepositions...  Anyway, if you're weird like me and can't stand when someone writes your, but means you're, or can't tell the difference between there, their and they're, you most certainly should watch these videos. There are videos on "Your vs. You're",  "

Fangirl Favorites

My Fangirl Favorite this week is from Think Geek .  I don't know...maybe it's just because the computer at work is totally infected with a bunch of spyware junk and there are creepy, flashing ads that try to send me into epileptic fits, but I love the idea of this product...not to mention the fact that they are all stinking adorable. You just plug it into your USB port and it will clean up your computer for you!  Now instead of being the girl (or guy) who fixes everyone's computer, you can hand them one of these awesome little guys and be done with it.  Jumpshot will kill viruses, spyware, scamware, trojans, etc!  It will keep your identity safe and keep your online habits private.  It'll take out the trash and clean up your hard drive...and these are just a few things it can do.  If you don't like what it has done, you can always click the undo button and go back to your previous settings.  You can only scan your computer with it twice, but if you want more cove

Throwback Thursday

It's Throwback Thursday! Not exactly why this movie came to mind...but I think it's a great throwback. Ahh. Memories. Starring Tom Selleck , Runaway is a Michael  Crichton story set in the "near future" where robots are used for everyday tasks. As you can imagine, in a world where robots are commonplace, there are often bugs in the system and this is where Sergeant Jack Ramsay(Selleck) steps in. Ramsay and his partner (played by Cynthia Rhodes) get involved in some unusual cases that lead them to a bad guy named Dr. Luther (Gene Simmons). Honestly, I don't even remember the plot entirely...he was trying to kill people or something. This means there are chase scenes, life threatening robots, Kirstie Alley and the kid from "Flight of the Navigator" . Fun stuff. :) Watch on Amazon Instant Video ~Graphics Girl Please leave us suggestions for future throwbacks!