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Showing posts from January, 2014


Have you ever done those online quizzes to find out which movie character you are? They ask you a question, give you several options for your answer and you're thinking, "BUT...BUT...BUT...I LOVE THEM ALL!" That's about what it's like when I try to pick a blog topic. Sometimes I swear it takes me more time to decide on what I'd like to write about, than it does to actually do the writing. I was actually doing one of those quizzes the other day and it asked me to pick between several movies. Most of them were lost on me...what I like to call the "stupid college boy humor" flicks, or the bad romantic comedies. However, there were two that I loved and I had a difficult time picking one over the other. It came down to Goonies and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Ultimately, I chose Last Crusade. It was a tough call, especially since they both had that treasure hunt type element, but it made me think how I need to watch The Goonies again. (Tell us in

Dirty POP

Ok, this post isn't really about an N*SYNC song, even though we love them. I'm sure you know that Funko has the most adorable POP Vinyl figures. This is one line of figures that I could literally buy every single one and be absolutely happy with my decision. There are POP figures for anything you could geek out over. They have Disney characters, Wizard of Oz characters, Back to the Future, Star Wars, Avengers (they have an adorable Agent Coulson now that is the sweetest thing ever), Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Scarface, Thundercats, WWE wrestlers...the list goes on and on. All the figures have a similar element with their huge head and eyes, but somehow Funko makes each one look amazingly different. I'm not one for collecting action figures or figurines, but these are too adorable to pass up. I have a weakness for adorable things. It's like buying a bunch of baby animals, but less expensive and less responsibility after purchase. My short wish list for these items wo

What's YOUR Throwback?

Today, I wanna talk about YOUR Throwbacks. I have several in my queue, but I'd like to find out what you guys think would be good ones.  After discussing War Games, I have a couple more Matthew Broderick movies I'd like to watch. Thinking back to my childhood, some other movies that came to mind that will need a rewatch before I write anything about them:  Willow, The Labrynith (I haven't watched that one since 4th grade!), the Dark Crystal, Escape from New York, The Last Unicorn, and the Explorers. Back in the day, we had a local TV station that played "B" movies on Saturday or Sunday afternoon. I don't remember what they all were but I remember giant ants (Them?) and Swamp Thing. I kinda have a hankerin' for stuff like that...and now, Netflix has old Godzilla movies! Yes please! But, could it also be movies like License To Drive and Lucas, Breakfast Club and  Uncle Buck? What movies take you back to your youth? And where can I find them? Wha

Review, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Last night, I had the unique opportunity to catch an early preview of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit before its Friday release. Did I like it? Yes. (So did my movie-watchin friend Heather) And I think if you like movies like Mission Impossible or The Bourne Identity , I'm pretty confident you will too. It's a formula that continues to work; Bad Guys with an Evil Plan+Good Guys who have to stop them+Action, Suspense and maybe a sprinkle of romance=Good Movie The movie stars Chris Pine as Jack Ryan, a young marine who is recruited by the CIA. What begins as an Analyst job turns into an Operations job. While analyzing banking patterns, he uncovers a plot to bring the Depression 2.0 to the U.S. beginning with a terrorist attack. And now, he has to figure out when and where that's going to happen. Now, start the timer. I sat on the edge of my seat or clutched my armrest through a good amount of the movie. And the nice lady next to me? She read the Russian subtitles for me

Happy New Year from Blatant Geekery

The Blatant Geekery girls wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a happy, healthy, and geeky New Year. We hope it's one that is filled with conventions, comics, celebrities, games, cosplay, and all that's good.   One way that Graphics Girl and I are going to make this year one to remember is that we'll be attending Dragon Con. Do you have any resolutions or ways that you're planning on making this year a great one? Please comment and let us know! We can't wait to hear from you.