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Cosplay for Noobs. (Like me)

Wikipedia says Cosplay is short for "costume play", an activity in which participants wear costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea from a work of fiction. Cosplayers often interact to create a subculture centered on role play. A broader use of the term cosplay applies to any costumed role play in venues apart from the stage, regardless of the cultural context.


Songbird has dressed up since she was tiny, only to eventually take up theatre. It was no surprise for us to see her in her first superhero costume a couple of years ago.

I was aware that there was a world for those who dress up...but didn't really KNOW about it. So, after spending an entire Saturday together working on her costume for occurred to me how perfect it would be if we CONTINUED to do this together. With my art background, her acting talent, and Momma-geek's sewing skills, we could do this. But, I needed to do some studying.

What I found was some skilled artists.

Have you ever heard of Yaya Han? What can I say? This cosplayer dressed in five different costumes during Comic-con last weekend. FIVE! Costumes she created. One of my favorite costumes on her site is Chun Li from Street Fighter.


Catherine of God Save the Queen Fashions is a costumer from Atlanta. She creates costumes for her own cosplay as well as commissions. She recently completed a 1940s version of The Flash which has some breathtaking details. There's more information about this piece on her Facebook page.


And finally, Svetlana, from Germany. She can be found at Kamui Cosplay and I would guess her specialty to be armor and weapons. (Wink) She says she's not a professional, "just a girl who loves video games and to make costumes", but I might argue with that. Maybe she's not a "trained professional" but she's pretty darn talented. Go look through all her photos. She just like she belongs on a movie set. Not only does she create these complicated pieces, but for those who might just be dipping our toes in the cosplay pool, she has tutorials and resources for shopping!
These three ladies are only the tip of the iceberg in the cosplay world. There are many more names you may (or may not have) heard of. Keep your eyes open though, cause the world is really starting to recognize these talented people.

Syfy has a series that starts August 13th called, Heroes of Cosplay (We'll be watching!)
On PBS: Atlanta, July 28th (available at sometime in August)Cosplay! Crafting a Secret Identity

So, anybody wanna play? Maybe just as a hobby? Maybe you have before?
Leave us a comment!

Later. GraphicsGirl 


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