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It's a Bird, It's a Plane!

Nope, this week's Throwback is Superman! 

The score by John Williams is is absolutely wonderful. The way he creates music to evoke certain emotions is sheer brilliance. Just hearing the theme makes you want to go do something heroic and prance around in underwear and a cape.

In the beginning we see Jor-El, Superman's father, (Marlon Brando) trying to convince the council that Krypton is in danger, but they refuse to listen. Of course, Jor-El was correct and he and his wife sent their son Kal-El away before the planet was destroyed. What brave parents to send their child away. Kal-El grows and learns as he travels to Earth. He lands in Kansas and an older couple finds him crawling out of a crater and decides to raise him. I love the way this naked child just put his arms up and is like, "What's up, folks?!  I'm here...and I'm NEKKID!!" (Random sidenote: Does anyone else think that the pod they put Kal-El in looked remarkably like the Racnoss ship from "The Runaway Bride" episode of Doctor Who? I think maybe the idea for the ship came from Superman.)

Fast forward to high school and the issues he faced in being forced to be an outsider so as not to expose his secret. Clark finally leaves home and finds the Fortress of Solitude. I think I need one of my own. It would be excellent to have holograms of those who had gone away who could give me wisdom and insight, and answer questions for me. After Clark (now Christopher Reeve) learns everything he can from his Earth father and the hologram version of his actual father, he heads to Metropolis and starts working as a reporter at the Daily Planet. He falls in love with another reporter, Lois Lane, (Margot Kidder) but Lois is busy falling for Superman.  Our villain, Lex Luthor, (Gene Hackman) is going to make things difficult for the couple as he masterminds a devious plan to take over the world. Can Superman save everyone and defeat Lex Luthor?  *Cue suspenseful music*

Reeve is the most perfect Superman. He is wonderful as the farm-raised, clumsy, vulnerable Kent, but the smile as soon as he exposes the bullet he caught? Swoon. The instant transformation that he is able to make is a level of acting that is unparalleled by any other playing the role. The more modern adaptations have men who look enough of the part and play a relatively charming Superman, but for people to believe that Clark isn't Superman, he needs to be extremely convincing as the boy from Kansas, and I just haven't seen it. The actor is always too suave and dreamy for a good Clark. Clark is the kind of guy every girl dreams of, but ends up only being friends with because she either decides he's too good for her or that she wants a little more adventure. This is the same mistake Lois makes. Here's my PSA for the day: Women of the world, give the "Clark" in your life a chance. He's special enough as it is, but he may just be a Superman, too.

One thing I really don't understand is the appeal of Lois in this movie. She has no endearing qualities.  She's harsh, abrasive, and a huge drinker/smoker. I cannot understand what Clark would like in this woman, especially since he's so pure. When she asks him what color her panties are and if he likes said color, I'm in complete shock. I give her credit for being so ballsy, but I'm not sure I that a woman being that forward is an attractive quality. I never could talk that way to someone, ESPECIALLY someone I liked. 

Rotten Tomatoes gives Superman: The Movie a 93%. This two hour and twenty-four minute movie is rated PG and was directed by Richard Donner. Obviously, this movie is filled with huge names and really has everything going for it.



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