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Showing posts from February, 2014

Who You Gonna Call?

The entertainment world suffered a huge loss on Monday when Harold Ramis passed away. He was an actor, writer, and director, who mainly lived in the comedy world. One of the acting roles he was known best for was Egon Spengler in Ghostbusters (which he also cowrote). Most all of the movies that Ramis wrote or cowrote have become cult classics, but Ghostbusters may arguably be the best known of all of them. In the movie, three scientists go to investigate a paranormal sighting at the New York Public Library and get their first conclusive data. Egon announces that with the data they've collected, there was a chance that they could catch a ghost and hold it permanently. When they return to Columbia University to run tests, they find that their grant has been terminated and they would be forced to leave. Venkman convinces Ray to take out a mortgage on his childhood home and use it to start their own business. They buy an old firehouse and work to create an office in the middle of

Week of the Guardians

Marvel took another step towards world domination this week and yes, I'm ok with that. I think it's clear that Songbird and I worship at the altar of Stan Lee (though my first love will always be Superman). And no, we don't literally worship the man people! He's just super amazing. Anyway, where was I going? Right! Even while commercials for Captian America: The Winter Soldier are all over TV, Marvel released the trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy! No, I've never read the comics so I don't know much about it but WHO CARES! It's a Marvel movie! Yes, I'm drinking the Kool-Aid. I'll admit it. Here's my feelings after watching this trailer. #1 I'm feeling all kinds of confused cause Barry from Wanted is hot now. #2 Zoe Saldana kicking butt in anything, I'm in. She's my hero.      (Even if she is fighting Amy Pond. Who looks amazing, BTW!) #3 A raccoon with a gun? Yes please. #4 Thank you for the introduction to

Thundercats, HOOOOOOO!

I miss Thundercats. That was a quality Saturday morning cartoon. It ran from 1985-1989. Yes, that hit me at ages 1-5, but I enjoyed watching it then and reruns later on. My brother had some pretty sweet Lion-o and Snarf figurines. The occupants of Thundera evacuate before the planet and all but one of the escape ships were destroyed. The Thundercats were all that remained and they set a course for Third Earth where they crash. With the help of his "Sword of Omens", Lion-o gives the Thundercats a chance against Mumm-Ra and the evil mutants. This cartoon was so freaking cool that it has been referenced in all sorts of pop culture avenues. The Band Reliant K has a song called I'm Lion-o , which is such a fun song to jam to. If you were a fan of Homestar Runner and Strong Bad Emails, Thundercats is referenced in Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Episode 5: 8 Bit Is Enough . The series was rebooted in 2011 and was a combination of anime and western ani

Lego Movie Review

There's only one way to explain this movie. "Everything is awesome." This is the main song from the movie, but it sums it up pretty well. I can honestly say that I haven't had this much fun at a movie for a really long time. I spent the entire movie with an enormous grin on my face, if not laughing hysterically.   This movie has an all-star cast that includes Chris Pratt, Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, and Will Ferrell. There's also fun appearances by Charlie Day, Cobie Smulders, Shaquille O'Neal, Billy Dee Williams, and Anthony Daniels. Check out the full cast list on . In The Lego Movie, we see Emmet, just an ordinary mini-figure, go through his completely ordinary life and do his best to fit in and be like everyone else. Through a fluke incident, he's mistaken for a "Master Builder" who holds the key to saving the Lego-verse. He meets several friends, but his main group consists of Wyldstyle,

A Special Birthday Message

Since Graphics Girl and I have undertaken this adventure, we have seen and experienced so much. I'm so excited to have been able to go with her to her first convention and to have been by her side while we got photos with John Barrowman and Eddie McClintock. I know she was really hoping to be celebrating her birthday in New Orleans this weekend with the rest of our friends, but we were unable to get there. So, I thought maybe I could bring a little Wizard World to her. Love you, sister!  Happy birthday. I hope this year is filled with conventions, comics, superhero merch, and all things geeky! ~Songbird

Fangirl Favorite

I know we've told you about Wizard World before, but here goes again. They're my favorite this week. Hey, it's my birthday...I can do what I want! So, together we've done 3 total Wizard World conventions (and we plan to attend many more) but I was really wishing to be there with them this weekend. #1 when I found out they'd be in New Orleans on the weekend of my birthday...#2 they announce MATT SMITH was going to be there too!!! Come on now, that would be the coolest birthday ever!! Normally, I'd watch Facebook, twitter and YouTube to see what's been going on since I'm not there, but this time I think I'll wait till it's over. I just can't torture myself. :( I get that some people have their opinions about these type of conventions...that they just bring in people that wanna meet celebrities. Maybe that is true, but here's my take on it. My family has always been very nerdy with tv, books and movies...but not into comics an

It's a Bird, It's a Plane!

Nope, this week's Throwback is Superman!  The score by John Williams is is absolutely wonderful. The way he creates music to evoke certain emotions is sheer brilliance. Just hearing the theme makes you want to go do something heroic and prance around in underwear and a cape. In the beginning we see Jor-El, Superman's father, (Marlon Brando) trying to convince the council that Krypton is in danger, but they refuse to listen. Of course, Jor-El was correct and he and his wife sent their son Kal-El away before the planet was destroyed. What brave parents to send their child away. Kal-El grows and learns as he travels to Earth. He lands in Kansas and an older couple finds him crawling out of a crater and decides to raise him. I love the way this naked child just put his arms up and is like, "What's up, folks?!  I'm here...and I'm NEKKID!!" (Random sidenote: Does anyone else think that the pod they put Kal-El in looked remarkably like the Racnoss ship from